[NovaXProject][RPG]Leanna Quest v1.02[官中][PC][478M][PikPak]

[NovaXProject][RPG]Leanna Quest v1.02[官中][PC][478M][PikPak]

■ Story
In the remote town of Librith, surrounded by mountains, monsters have been causing incidents, attacking the townsfolk. To resolve these events, a young paladin named Leanna is dispatched. However, with multiple factions involved, the situation is far more complicated than it initially appears.

■ Game Content
A fantasy erotic RPG.
Investigate the incidents in the town and challenge various dungeons.

In addition to the main story, there are quests available from the Adventurer’s Guild that lead to specific erotic events. The game is packed with classic erotic RPG elements such as defeat scenes, prostitution, torn clothing, and everyday erotic developments.

Not only the heroine but also townsfolk and other adventurers have their own erotic events.

Some enemies possess restraint skills, and failing to escape will trigger scenes where the heroine is assaulted. Additionally, erotic scenes during combat change depending on the state of her torn clothing.

The game’s H-status is recorded during the adventure.
A virgin-clear playthrough is possible, with specific virgin-loss events for each enemy. Even if you complete the game as a virgin, assault events can be viewed in the gallery room.

■ 50 Base CGs
■ Multiple erotic standing illustrations and torn clothing variations
■ Includes themes of interspecies relations, defeat scenes, and prostitution


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